Judge Carolyn J. Thompson, candidate for the NC Court of Appeals, was part of WIZS’s continuing coverage of the upcoming general election.
PBS Interview with Judge Carolyn J. Thompson: Candidate for NC Court of Appeals
Judge Carolyn J. Thompson, candidate for the NC Court of Appeals, discusses her background and reasons for running for NC’s Court of Appeals seat 12 with PBS NC’s Kelly McCullen.
Judge Carolyn J. Thompson on The Political Beat
Judge Carolyn J. Thompson, candidate for the NC Court of Appeals, joined Joe Bruno on WSOC-TV 9’s The Political Beat to discuss her campaign and the upcoming election.
Judge Carolyn Thompson on The Karen Hunter Show
Judge Carolyn J. Thompson, candidate for the NC Court of Appeals, sat down with Karen Hunter to talk about her campaign and the upcoming election.
NC Court of Appeals Judicial Forum
Judge Carolyn Thompson, candidate for NC Court of Appeals, participated in the North Carolina Bar Association’s NC Court of Appeals judicial forum
Chop It Up-NC with Judge Carolyn Thompson
Judge Carolyn J. Thompson, candidate for NC Court of Appeals, sat down for a discussion on “Chop It Up NC,” a men of color-focused series on state and national policy and politics.
Candidates discuss education, broadband accessibility during county visit
Judge Carolyn J. Thompson, candidate for NC Court of Appeals, joined several candidates for a recent event hosted by the Duplin County Democratic Party.
Duplin County Democrats welcome statewide candidates
Duplin County Democrats held a meet and greet on Jan. 6 for candidates running for statewide offices including Judge Carolyn Thompson for NC Court of Appeals.
New appellate jurists appointed
Gov. Roy Cooper appointed Allison Riggs to fill Justice Morgan’s seat. That, in turn, opened a seat on the Court of Appeals, to which the Governor appointed Carolyn Thompson.